135 research outputs found

    Компоненти на приносот и принос кај некои F1 хибриди од домати

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    Во структурата на вкупната потрошувачка на градинарски производи во Европа доматот зазема 8-10%, а во САД е водечка култура во потрошувачката и учествува со преку 35%. Кај нас доматот се одгледува на повеќе од 6.000 хектари, од кои околу 90% од застапените површини се засеани со хибридно семе кое е од увоз. Предностите кои ги дава хибридното семе и средствата што се издвојуваат за да се увезе истото, нè натераа да започнеме со експериментална и практична работа на освојување и ширење на хибридно семе произведено во нашето поднебје. Во овој труд се прикажани резултати од осум F1 хибриди, од кои седум се меѓулиниски и ќе се користат во понатамошната селекција и еден комерцијален Magnus. Испитани се бројот на плодовите по растение и просечната маса на плодовите, како главни компоненти на приносот кај доматите (Wiliams, 1959) и вкупниот принос

    Examination of Some Morphological Features of Domestic Populations of Flax (Linum Ustitassimum L.), in the Agro Ecological Conditions in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia

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    The research was conducted in a period of two years (2007 and 2008) on five flax genotypes, 4 of which are domestic populations, intermediate (transitional) linen (velusina, duferin , belan , belinka) and an introduced french variety of fiber flax (viking). The number of seeds in the fruit, in both years of research, is statistically different among different varieties. In two years of testing , the lowest number of seeds in the fruit had population velusina (3,3 in 2007 and 3,5 in 2008), and the most number of seeds reached population duferin (5.5 in 2007 and 5.7 in 2008). There is a statistically valid difference for the number of fruits per flax plant among the tested varieties. The lowest number of fruits per plant had population belan (23,1 in 2007 and 24,8 in 2008), and the most had a variety viking (29,0 in 2007 and 29,3 in 2009). In the two years of research, the largest absolute mass of the seed had population velusina (6,8 g and 6,6 g respectively), and the lowest population belinka (4,1 g and 4,5 g respectively). Among the many varieties there are statistically significant differences. The highest average height, in the two-year research, regardless of the years of testing, had population belinka (78,9 cm), and the lowest population velusina (67,1 cm). The highest average seed yield per flax plant in the two-year research, regardless of the year of investigation, had viking variety (0,73 g), and the lowest population velusina population (0,55 g)

    The influence of the temperature at the intensity of the spread of the cotton bollworm (heliothis obsoleta fabr. = helicoverpa armigera hb.) as a pest of the peppers in the Strumica region

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    H. armigera is typical polyphagous insect which attacks: tomatoes, peppers, tobacco, maize, cotton, garlic, onions, cabbage, soy, beans and many other leguminous and pumpkin crops and various weed plants. The damages from the cotton bollworm have economic importance, especially when the species is in progradation. It is widespread all over the world, especially in warmer climates. The increase in the population of this cotton bollworm is associated with global warming

    Analysis of the Quality of Oats (Avena Sativa L.) Grown In Conditions of Organic Production

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    During 2015 and 2016 the research of 11 oats genotypes is conducted, in conditions of organic production. Three of the oats genotypes are domestic populations, Krivogastani, Trebenista and Kuceviste, and the others are introduced varieties: Rajac, Slavuj and Lovken from Serbia, Kupa, Baranja, Eksplorer, Sampionka and Istra from Croatia. The phenological surveys, during the research showed that the vegetation period of the spring oat genotypes, grown in condition of organic production, is 100 – 110 days. The oats was sown in March, and the full maturity was reached in July, in each year of the research. In both years of research, the highest absolute mass of the grain had variety Istra (34,60 g in 2015 and 29,60 in 2016), while, the lowest had the population Krivogastani (12,3 g in 2015 and 14,90 g in 2016). There are very significant statistical differences between the varieties. The hectoliter mass of the grain is statistically different in different varieties, in the both years of the research. Rajac variety showed the lowest hectoliter mass in both experimental years (23,66 kg/hl in 2015 and 31,5kg/hl in 2016). The highest hectoliter mass in 2015 had Istra variety (42,05 kg/hl), and in 2016, it was Krivogastani population (36 kg/hl). The highest oats plants, in both years of research, were Krivogastani population (116,7 cm in 2015 and 143,3 cm in 2016). The lowest plants were Kupa variety (78,3 cm in 2015 and 83,4 cm in 2016). The comparison between varieties showed that there are statistically significant differences

    Application of cluster analysis for evaluation of new Bulgarian and Macedonian cotton varieties and lines

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    The aim of this study was to assess the genetic distance between eleven Bulgarian and four Macedonian cotton varieties by applying the method of cluster analysis. The trial was carried out in 2008 and 2009. The cluster analysis based on the varieties agronomic and fiber technological properties confirmed the genetic differences between them. The varieties grouped into two basic groups depending on the breeding directions and breeding methods. Some varieties were genetically very similar and they could be included in one breeding program for rapid breeding effect. The Macedonian varieties and lines were genetically distant from some Bulgarian varieties and their including in one breeding program can has a good effect. The year conditions had influence on genetic similarity and genetic remoteness as a result of predetermination of genetic formulas controlling the traits. In Strumica the varieties differentiated stronger in yield and lint percentage and weaker in fiber length

    Ентомофауна кај домати во заштитен простор при конвенционално и интегрално производство

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    Доматот е една од економски поважните култури во Македонија, а особено во Струмичкиот регион, каде што претставува водечка култура во градинарското производство во заштитени простори. Се одгледува во пластеници и оранжерии во периодот од јануари во услови на греење, март и април без греење, од мај, јуни до ноември, како рано, средно рано и касно производство. Раното и средно раното производство зафаќаат околу 90% од површините од 6 271 ha (просек 2000-2006 год.), колку што се застапени под оваа култура кај нас, а само 10% од застапените површини под оваа култура му припаѓаат на касното производство. Доматот е подложен на напади на голем број штетни инсекти и пајачиња. Некои од штетните инсекти кај доматот се хранат со грицкање на растителното ткиво, а некои преку смукање на растителниот сок. Секундарни оштетувања се јавуваат кога нивните отпадни производи (медната роса), ги покриваат растителните делови, затворајќи ги стомините отвори со што го спречуваат процесот на дишење. Но, голем дел од штетните инсекти, исто така, се активни преносители на вирусните заболувања, од заразени на здрави растенија. Дел од ентомофауната на доматот ја сочинуваат и карниворни видови (предатори), кои, хранејќи се со други инсекти, ја регулираат популацијата на штетните инсекти. Главна цел на нашите испитувања ќе биде утврдувањето на фаунистичкиот состав на штетниците и предаторите на доматот одгледуван во заштитени простори, при што детално ќе се утврди нивниот квалитативен и квантитативен состав во ентомофауната на доматот. Исто така ќе се направи една споредба на штетниците, како и на предаторите кои се појавиле во заштитени простори како рано производство и во заштитените простори во услови на летно-есенско (касно) производство. Ќе се направи и детална анализа на присуството на штетниците и карниворните видови при конвенционалното и интегралното производство на доматите во заштитен простор

    Use of Orius laevigatus to control Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) population in greenhouse pepper

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    Although chemical pesticides play a vital role in controlling the number of harmful insects, they also contribute to accelerate pollution of soil, air and water. Due to the frequent use, insects become resistant to active ingredients very quickly; they destroy the natural enemies of the pests, and have a harmful effect on humans. Accordingly, the application of biological protection, that is, the use of living organisms (predators and parasites) in plant protection programs in protected areas, takes on a larger scale worldwide rather than the use of chemical pesticides. The aim of our research was determining the effectiveness of pirate bug Orius laevigatus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on reducing the population of Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). Experiment was set in commercial greenhouses (3 unheated plastic tunnels, ca. 125 m2, each), located in the area of Dabilje, Republic of Macedonia, during 2019 and 2020. The results obtained correspond to our expectation in controlling the population of the trips. Predator proved to be effective in reducing the number of thrips population

    Impact of insecticides on beneficial organisms

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    In the process of increasing crop production, the use of insecticides is much greater than in the past. These chemicals have largely emerged since the introduction of synthetic insecticides in 1940, when organochlorine insecticides were the first used to control pests. Insecticides are now an integral part of our modern life and are used to protect agricultural production, storage products, as well as to destroy pests that transmit dangerous infectious diseases. It would be ideal if the applied insecticides are toxic only to the target organisms, biodegradable and environmentally friendly to some extent. But, the most of them are non-specific and, in addition to pests, destroy organisms that are harmless or beneficial to the ecosystem (predators, pollinators) or affect their proper growth and development

    Corn production in R. Macedonia and possibilities for it's cultivation without interventional irrigation

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    Corn is an annual plant from the sub-group of millet grains. In Macedonia, there are relatively good soil and climate conditions for its production. It is the third cereal crop in terms of representation on arable land, after wheat and barley. In 2021, 130 769 tons of corn were produced. The total annual production of wheat, barley and corn grain in 2021 was 526 045 tons. Of the other cereal plants, rye, rice and oats are produced in much smaller quantities. These quantities of domestically produced corn do not meet domestic demand. Taking into account the agrotechnical measures applied in the production of corn and the soil-climatic conditions that prevail in Macedonia, this article gives a special review of the problems faced by this production, as well as the possibilities and measures for its production without interventional irrigation

    Use of Orius laevigatus to control Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) population in greenhouse pepper

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    Although chemical pesticides play a vital role in controlling the number of harmful insects, they also contribute to accelerate pollution of soil, air and water. Due to the frequent use, insects become resistant to active ingredients very quickly; they destroy the natural enemies of the pests, and have a harmful effect on humans. Accordingly, the application of biological protection, that is, the use of living organisms (predators and parasites) in plant protection programs in protected areas, takes on a larger scale worldwide rather than the use of chemical pesticides. The aim of our research was determining the effectiveness of pirate bug Orius laevigatus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on reducing the population of Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). Experiment was set in commercial greenhouses (3 unheated plastic tunnels, ca. 125 m2, each), located in the area of Dabilje, Republic of Macedonia, during 2019 and 2020. The results obtained correspond to our expectation in controlling the population of the trips. Predator proved to be effective in reducing the number of thrips population